Feb/Mar Schedule

FEBRUARY & MARCH Schedule is now posted ....
As noted at the league pre-season meeting ... to ensure a 32 game regular season, we have had to schedule games on Super Bowl Sunday and the Family Day weekend (we couldn't replace the 28 icetimes). Games scheduled during those weekends were random based on the normal schedule cycle. We understand that having a full roster for those games may be pretty tough for some, so the available options are:
1) Play
2) Cancel the game (remember at least 8 BUSINESS days is required to cancel the ice and get a refund) and then your team would need to find another ice slot yourselves and play the game. The league would pay & schedule the ref's and scorekeepers as well as reimbursing you for the ice costs.
3) Get the other team to agree on a tie, cancel the ice (again with at least 8 BUSINESS days ) and we would refund you both 1/2 the costs each for the ice, refs and scorekeepers.
Please contact Brent McClocklin if you choose option #2 or #3.